July 2022 – Perfection through Praise

Happy new month brethren. It’s July, the seventh month of the year. It is not just the the beginning of a new month, it is also the beginning of the second half and the third quarter of the calendar year 2022. As this signifies many beginnings, so it signal great things to happen in our lives.
“The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: Forsake not the works of thine own hands.” Psalm‬ ‭138:8‬ ‭KJV‬‬
May God perfect all that concerns you and cause you to break new grounds in every facet of your life in this second half of the year in Jesus mighty name.
Beloved, this is a very special time and month for you and I, it is high time we put on our garments of praise. Let praises rise from our hearts; let there be shout of joy, shout of victory in our camp, the winning side is the shouting side. We are winners!
“Praise waiteth for thee, O God, in Zion: and unto thee shall the vow be performed. O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come.” Psalm‬ ‭65:1-2‬ ‭KJV‬‬
“Let the people praise thee, O God; Let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; And God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; And all the ends of the earth shall fear him.” Psalm‬ ‭67:5-7‬ ‭KJV‬‬
The above passages highlights praise as a very vital key to blessings. Among other things, it an honour given to the people of God and the saints. The paramount questions for you to answer are: Are you among His people? Are you in the number saved by grace? Are you born again? Have you been beautified with salvation? Is your name written in the book of life?
If your answer to the above questions are yes, congratulations. If no, then you need to surrender your life to Jesus Christ now. Delay no further. The Lord Jesus Christ is calling you. Accept Him as your Saviour today. Repent of your sins and turn from your evil ways and it shall be well with you.
Are you ready to praise God? It is your month, my month, our month of perfection in praise. Come, let’s do it together! Let’s roll it on!!
Have a blessed month.
Pastor Joseph

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